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Publishing for the Discard Voice

The Discarded Voice Press was formed to find a way for authors and writers to be heard. Many authors feel their voices are discarded by the “big” publishers, the powerful publishers, the typical publishers. Many writers feel that their labor of love is discarded by the commercialized frenzy of the typical consumer. These authors have something to say, and there are people that would love to hear it; but these voices are discarded by our world. Well, no more. Now the Discarded Voice has a voice.


The Immense Center is On Sale Now - The Immense Center, by Michael Allen Williamson, is now on sale. Visit to get your copy today.
Pre-order The Immense Center Now -   The Immense Center from our author, Michael Allen Williamson is now available for pre-order.
Looking for Beta Readers - Michael Allen Williamson’s forthcoming book, The Immense Center is almost ready for beta readers. If you’re interested, head over to his site to sign up.